Friday, February 4, 2011

Collector Personas/ Audience Personas

Collector Persona:

Name: Michael Paradie

Age: 40 (middle aged)

Background: Unlike most children he wanted to be a lawer when he grew up because he knew it would make his father happy. His family was poor and his father just wanted him to have an easier life then him. Now that he followed his fathers dream he is making a good amount of money but is still not happy.

Michael never had a dream of his own to follow, and listened to his father. Now he collects bissness cards to find out other peoples storys, and wether or not they followed thier dreams.

Potentail Audience:

Potentail Audience would be people that did not follow thier dream and are not happy, and people who did follow thier dream and don’t have enough money to live off of. The collection would be interesting to them because in thoes sittuations you would be secound geussing your dession

Persona #1- Dylon Mahler, Male, 25 years old. Dylon was born in New York and now lives in Fort Myers, Florida. He wanted to work in Auto body and persued his dream. Now this he persued his dream he is happy being around cars but has a hard time paying his bills.

Persona #2-Tiffany Tellone, Female, 35 years old. Tiffany was born in Arizona and continued to live there her whole life. She wanted to be dancer but wasn’t able to persue her dream because she had a kid at the age of 16, insted she works as a manager in a grocery store. Her son resently headed off to college but she is now too old to purse her dream of becoming a dancer.

Persona #3-Taylor Paradie, Female, 28 years old. Taylor was born in California and moved to New York city with her husband when they got married. She always wanted to be a make-up artist but her husband makes all the money while she stays home with the kids. Although she loves her kids, she still wishes she would of followed her dream.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Summery of Project

Collection type/description:

The actual collection will consist of bissness cards from a vierity of different people. Each bissness card will have the persons perfession crossed out and replacing it will be the profession that the person whated to be as a child. Information will be colleted from the person that belongs to each bissness card. The information will consist of what thier profession is, what they wanted to be when they grew up, reason why they did or did not persue thier dream, and wether they are happy with thier dessision. After the information is collected, research will be done to find the difference in money between the current job and the dream job.

Collection Narrative/Context (Collection Backstory):

Every child has a crazy idea of what they want to be when they grow up wether it be fantasy or realality. If you ask some kids they may say a doctor, or they might say a superhero. Somewhere along the way the child grows up and either makes the dream come true, or they follow a different path. There are many reasons people change thier mind

Concept Explanation:

The collection is significant because many people have great potentail to follow thier dreams and they don’t due to money. They fear that if they follow thier dream they will won’t make enough money and that will cause them to be unhappy. After a while people realize that even when you making a lot of money, you may still not be happy. This means the person could have followed thier dream and been happy, but it may be too late. The outcome will prove that even though you change your mind because of money, you may have been happier making less money. Money doesn’t always mean happieness.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mind mapping final concept

Concept: What do you want to be when you grow up?
This mind map shows some of the questions that need to be answered in the collection through data, information, and visuals

Friday, January 21, 2011

Process Work - Mind Map and Categories

For our project so far we created a mind map and categorization (stars and checks indicate the most liked). Our collection is called "What did you want to be when you grow up?", in which we contrast childhood dream jobs with what the children actually ended up with, and whether the individuals were happy or not. Along with our selection of categories and mind map, we practiced profiling our partner in class.

Friday, January 14, 2011